Well, Thursday, May 21, was quite a day.
Not only was it my birthday, but I was also asked to take part in a FOX TV reality based TV show to be filmed at the Camp Fuji Marine training base.
We all met bright and early at 6:30 am at the New Sanno Hotel, which is in the Middle of Downtown Tokyo. The Fox TV filming crew, Positive Productions, Stars and Stripes and the FOX Samurai Divas were all on hand.
The Security guards were busy to say the least.
Also, General Rice, the Senior Military Officer for all of Asia, was present for a conference.
As the three limos and the filming crew vehicle rolled in, along with all the Japanese Samurai Divas assembled, quite a stir was created. As the divas strolled through the lobby and flaunted their stuff, the camera crew was busy filming their every movement.
After all were accounted for and loaded into the vehicles, we departed. I rode in the stretch limo with the Divas. As we neared Camp Fuji , the Divas were prepped and made ready to join the US marines for the Day’s Events.
The Limos pulled into the Camp’s main gate and were escorted to the rally point where the Marines were assembled. Upon arrival, the Divas were met by Major Powell, the Camp’s executive officer, who introduced them to their squad leaders and placed them within their squads for the day’s events.
Events included a static display of vehicles and equipment used in daily maneuvers. After that it was on to the obstacle course, where the Divas navigated through the course with their squads. After the obstacle course, it was on to the Pugel stick fighting. The Divas held their own against the Marines. At the end of the last bout it was time for chow. The Divas were introduced to field chow, which is called MREs (meals ready to eat).
After a short break, we were off to the repelling tower challenge. After a safety briefing, the Divas suited up in harness, boots, and helmet, and took on the challenge of the repelling tower. They all passed with no casualties.
Next came the endurance and memory test. They had to identify and memorize ten objects after a grueling run through a jungle course with physical obstacles along the way in a timed event. Again the Divas proved fit and ready to overcome this challenge.
Finally, we marched backed to the Base Camp to undergo the final event, which was a uniform inspection. The Divas pulled up in the Limo dressed to kill and inspected the Marines in their dress blues to choose a winner, awards were presented and then the Divas accompanied the winners to the chow hall for dinner. All in all the Divas performed gallantly and passed all tasks assigned.
As the head FOX fitness instructor and military advisor for the Divas, I was thoroughly pleased with their performance, how they adapted, improvised, and overcame all duties they were tasked with.